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ASFA Retirement Standard

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The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia's (ASFA) estimate of how much money you'll need in retirement, depending on your lifestyle.

ASFA Retirement Standard

Annual living costs

Weekly living costs

Couple – modest



Couple – comfortable



Single – modest



Single – comfortable



Source: ASFA Retirement Standard, December quarter 2024

ASFA’s 'modest' standard estimates how much money is needed for the basics.

ASFA’s ‘comfortable’ standard estimates how much money is needed for retirees to be involved in a range of leisure activities and to have a good standard of living including: private health insurance, a reasonable car, household goods and holidays.

Both standards apply for people retiring at age 65 who will live to an average life expectancy of about 85. Both assume you own your home.

Lump sum 

ASFA estimates that a modest lifestyle, which covers the basics, is mostly met by the Age Pension. They estimate the lump sum needed to support a modest lifestyle for a single or a couple is $100,000.

ASFA estimates that the lump sum needed at retirement to support a comfortable lifestyle is $690,000 for a couple and $595,000 for a single person. This assumes a partial Age Pension.

ASFA produces a separate retirement standard for older retirees.

For more information see the ASFA Retirement Standard.