Credit cards are part of everyday life. They let you carry less cash, pay for things with a tap or a swipe, and shop online.
But this convenience can come at a cost. The trick is to use your credit card wisely, and pay it back on time.
Find out how to choose a credit card that works for you, and get tips on paying it off faster. Understand credit card balance transfers, and how to cancel a credit card when you no longer need it.
Smart ways to use your credit card
- Find a card that suits your spending habits and the way you'll pay it off.
- Look for a low interest rate and features you'll use — make sure any rewards or extras are worth it.
- Stay on top of your spending — only spend what you can afford to pay back.
- Pay your bill on time every month — pay in full, or as much as you can.
- Check your statement and tell your credit provider if there's a charge you didn't make.
- If you're struggling with debt, avoid using your credit card to make ends meet. Find help to get debt under control.