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How to check your super

Review your annual super statement to keep track of your super

Page reading time: 3 minutes

Your super statement helps you keep track of your balance, how your money is invested, and your insurance cover.

If you don't understand your statement, or think there's an error, contact your super fund.

Here we explain how to read and understand your super statement. 

Check your personal details are correct

Check your super fund has your correct:

Tax file number

Make sure your super fund has your tax file number. This helps them keep track of your super and the tax you pay.

Employer and salary sacrifice contributions are generally taxed at 15%. Investment returns are taxed at a maximum of 15%. If you have been taxed more than this, your super fund may not have your tax file number.

See tax and super for more information.

Check your contributions

Make sure your super fund is receiving your super contributions.

Employer contributions 

Your employer must pay at least 11.5% of your 'ordinary time earnings' into your super account. They should pay your super into your account at least every 3 months. They may choose to do it more frequently, such as your regular pay cycle.

Use the employer contributions calculator to work out how much super your employer should be paying you. If you're not getting the right amount, contact your fund to verify and then speak to your employer. 

The ATO has more information about unpaid super.

Personal contributions

If you've made additional contributions into your super, either directly or through salary sacrifice, make sure your fund has received it. 

Learn more about super contributions and how to grow your super.

Whether you’re close to retirement, or still have a while to go, consider how much super you need to fund the lifestyle you want in retirement.

Review your investments and fees 

Being in a super fund with low fees and good returns can have a significant impact on your income when you retire.

Investment options

In most cases, you can choose how your money is invested by your super fund. Make sure you consider if your chosen investment option is appropriate for your age and attitude to risk. This may change over time.

Most funds allow you to split your money across more than one investment option.

Don't set and forget your investment options. Take the time to check how your super is tracking against your super fund's targets. Learn more about your super investment options.

Investment performance

If your super has performed badly, your fund must let you know under an annual performance test done by the Australian Prudential Authority (APRA)

If you have a MySuper product, you can check your fund performance using the ATO's YourSuper comparison tool

If you're thinking about switching funds or products, see how to compare and choose.


Your statement will list the fees you are paying to your fund. Fees can include:

Check the fees you are paying against other super funds to see how they compare.

Review your insurance and beneficiaries 

Most super funds offer a basic level of insurance for life cover, total and permanent disability (TPD) or income protection. Your statement will show what kind of insurance you have and how much you are covered for. 

Consider if the insurance you have is enough for your needs. Or make sure you are not paying for something you don't want.

See insurance through super for how to do this. 

Check who will get your money

Your 'beneficiary' is the person you nominate to receive your super when you die. A beneficiary can either be 'binding' or 'non-binding', depending on the rules of your super fund.

A binding nomination is typically only valid for 3 years before your death, so it's important to make sure your nominations are up to date, especially if your circumstances have changed. For example, if you've gotten married, divorced or have had children, you might want to change your nominated beneficiaries.

Check who your nominated beneficiary is. If you need to update it, contact your super fund. 

Consolidate your super

If you receive more than one super statement, consider combining your super into one account. Multiple super accounts mean you are being charged fees for each account, which eats away at your money. Learn more about how to consolidate super funds.

Find lost super

It's also a good time to check if you've lost track of any super. See find lost super for how to do this.