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How to complain

Simple steps to complain and get a result sooner

Page reading time: 2 minutes

If you're unhappy about a service or product, follow these simple steps to complain.

If your complaint involves a scam, see check and report scams for who to report it to.

1. Contact the business

The first step is always to contact the business to explain the problem and how you'd like it fixed. In many cases a phone call, email or online chat is all that is needed.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples can contact the following organisations for help:

  • ASIC's Indigenous Help Line — 1300 365 957
  • Mob Strong Debt Help Line — 1800 808 488

2. Complain to the business

If the problem isn't fixed with a call or email, make a formal complaint to the business in writing. This is known as 'internal dispute resolution' (IDR).

In your letter or email, include:

Keep the originals of any documents you send and a copy of your complaint letter.

3. Contact an independent complaints body

If the problem is still not resolved, you can complain to an independent body.

Financial services (banks, credit providers), energy, water and telecommunications businesses all belong to an External Dispute Resolution (EDR) scheme. The EDR scheme hears complaints for free.

An EDR scheme can help you if:

External Dispute Resolution (EDR) schemes

Financial organisations (banks, credit providers, insurance, super, investments and financial advice)


Energy and water

Consumer goods and services complaints

State government agencies help with complaints about consumer goods and services.

Prices and competition complaints

The ACCC and the state government agencies above can help with complaints about prices, competition, unfair market practices, product safety, franchises and advertising.

Company misconduct complaints

If you believe there has been misconduct relating to the management of a company, its directors or officers, you can lodge a complaint with ASIC.

If you're not sure who to contact, call the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)'s Infoline — 1300 300 630.