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Super contributions optimiser

Work out the best way to boost your super

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Helps you work out:

Super Contributions Optimiser

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About you

About your partner

Contribute more to super

How much could you and your partner spare to boost your super?

Getting results...


Your result is:

We estimate your collective take-home pay to be $ per week.

To get the biggest boost to super:

You need to:

  • make $ per week as a before tax contribution (salary sacrifice)
  • make $ per week as an after tax contribution.

Your partner needs to:

  • make $ per week as a before tax contribution (salary sacrifice)
  • make $ per week as an after tax contribution.

Show details

Pay ($ pa) With contributions No Contributions
You Your partner Combined Combined
Gross salary $ $ $ $
Less salary sacrifice $0 $0 $0 $0
Less income tax + Medicare levy $0 $0 $0 $0
Excess Concessional Contribution tax $0 $0 $0 $0
Division 293 Tax $0 $0 $0 $0
Take-home pay $0 $0 $0 $0
Less after-tax contributions $0 $0 $0 $0
Net pay $0 $0 $0 $0
Super ($ pa) With contributions No Contributions
You Your partner Combined Combined
Employer contributions $0 $0 $0 $0
Before-tax contributions (salary sacrifice) $0 $0 $0 $0
After-tax contributions $0 $0 $0 $0
Government co-contribution $0 $0 $0 $0
Low income super contribution $0 $0 $0 $0
Less contributions tax $0 $0 $0 $0
Net contributions $0 $0 $0 $0

See our tips on contributing extra to super .


  • The purpose of this calculator is to provide the combination of contributions you can use to obtain the biggest increase in your super for a given reduction in your take home pay in the current financial year based on the information you provided if applied for the full year.
  • The results of this calculator are only applicable to the current financial year.
  • The results produced by this calculator are based on some key general assumptions which are explained below.
  • The results produced by this calculator are not appropriate for holders of a defined benefit account. If you have a defined benefit account your contributions that count towards the concessional cap will be calculated in accordance with a statutory formula that is not used in this calculator.
  • The information and results provided by the calculator take into account certain information you provide to us, but don't consider your personal circumstances including your current lifestyle expenses, other financial commitments like debt or other needs and objectives. When making any financial decisions you should take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should also consider that money invested in super generally cannot be accessed until you retire.
  • As any estimate generated by the calculator is based on assumptions (default assumptions or assumptions as modified by you), the estimate may not be accurate for your situation if the assumptions are or become inaccurate for any reason including as a result of taxation or other legislative changes.
  • The results shown are not guaranteed to occur and should not be relied upon as a true representation of any actual superannuation contributions or taxation.
  • The calculator should not be relied on for making a decision about a particular financial product or class of financial product and is not a substitute for financial advice. You should consider getting advice from a licensed financial adviser who can work with you to develop a financial plan specifically tailored to your objectives, financial situation or needs.
  • Because your circumstances or tax and other rules can change, we recommend you revisit this calculator on a regular basis (for example, each year).
  • The calculations included in the calculator are based on existing legislation and do not take into account any proposed legislative changes.


Annual income

Annual income is your annual income from employment before tax, including any bonus payments and standard member contributions that are salary sacrificed. It excludes any employer superannuation contributions and other packaged benefits.


To use the calculator:

  • Change the employer contributions to 0%
  • Enter all your contributions as additional voluntary contributions


  • We assume that your employer contributes an amount equal to 11.5% of your ordinary time earnings. You can change this if your employer contributes more than the minimum.
Before tax (salary sacrifice) contributions
  • We adjust these contributions so you don't exceed the concessional contributions cap (which applies to the total of your employer and before tax contributions)
  • At 1 July 2024, the concessional contribution cap is $30,000 for all individuals.
After tax contributions
  • We adjust these contributions so you don't exceed the annual non-concessional contributions cap.
  • The non-concessional contribution cap is set at 4 times the concessional cap.
  • Should your projected total superannuation balance exceed the current Transfer Balance Cap of $1,700,000, your non-concessional contributions will be restricted to zero.
Government contributions
  • We assume that you qualify for the Government co-contributions if you are under age 71 and you make after tax contributions
  • The total income used to determine if you qualify for any co-contributions is equal to your annual salary before tax and any salary sacrificed super contribution
  • The calculation allows for the Government low income superannuation tax offset benefits. Your eligibility for this payment is based on your annual income, employer contributions and salary sacrifice contributions.

Tax on super contributions

It is assumed that you have provided your tax file number (TFN) to your superannuation fund and that, consequently the usual concessional tax rate of 15% tax is deducted from employer contributions including before-tax (salary sacrifice) contributions.

Where applicable an estimate of the Division 293 additional contribution tax for those on incomes over the relevant threshold has been included.

We assume that contributions made to super are limited to your applicable concessional and non-concessional contribution caps. No allowance has been made for contributions made over these contributions caps. No allowance is made for any additional tax that may be payable on excess contributions as a result. No allowance is made for any other tax on super.

No allowance has been made for the option to 'bring forward' non-concessional contributions from either of the following two financial years (where eligible), nor has any allowance been made for the use of the 'bring forward' rule in either of the previous two financial years. For more information on the option to 'bring forward' non-concessional contributions over a three year period, refer to the ATO website at

The total income used by the calculator to estimate the applicable Division 293 tax is equal to your annual salary before tax and before any salary sacrifice. Any income from other sources and other available adjustments are not included in an estimate of total income. For the full definition of 'income' used by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and other details on Division 293 tax and excess contribution rules, refer to the ATO website at

The tax assumptions used are general in nature only and do not constitute tax advice. Please see your tax adviser for advice that is specific to your individual circumstances.

Tax on current income

The calculator works out the income tax payable on the current income you have entered by applying the current financial year's personal income tax rates and the Medicare levy where it applies based on the individual thresholds. The actual Medicare levy may be different than calculated for members of couples. Any other form of income you receive has not been taken into account. No allowance has been made for the Medicare Levy Surcharge. You are assumed to be an Australian resident for tax purposes.

The Low Income Tax Offset for the current financial year will be included if you are eligible based on the information you provide. No allowance has been made for any other tax offsets or deductions.