Ready to take charge of your finances and make this your best financial year yet? Setting financial goals is the first step to getting what you want and building a healthier relationship with money. Even small changes make a big difference over time.
Here are some simple, actionable tips to kickstart your financial reset this year.
Spend smarter
- Cut the clutter: If you haven’t used a streaming service in months, it’s time to hit that unsubscribe button.
- Social on a budget: Skip the expensive restaurant outings and host a picnic, BBQ, or a beach day with your friends.
- Plan your meals, save big: Popping to the grocery store everyday can add up. Try meal planning for a week or two and watch the saving role in.
- Tackle holiday debt: If you got into debt over the holiday period, make a plan to pay it off – it'll feel great to have it behind you.
Boost your savings
- Challenge yourself: Commit to a no spend week and put the money in a high-interest savings account.
- Shop around for savings: When it’s time to renew your insurance and energy plans, jump online and compare premiums - you could save hundreds in just a few clicks.
- Automate your savings: Set up a recurring transfer to your savings account – even $1 or $2 a day can help build an emergency fund over time.
- Round up your savings: If your bank offers a round-up savings feature, activate it! Every time you spend, the leftover change gets tucked away in your savings.
Invest in your future
- Level up your knowledge: If you’re thinking about investing start with the essentials by exploring the investor toolkit.
- Learn about ETFs: Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) can be a simple way to dip your toe in to investing. Find out the pros and cons and see if they’re right for you.
- Simplify your super: If you’ve got multiple super accounts, think about consolidating them to save on fees and make your money easier to manage.
- Check in on your super: Take five minutes when your next super statement arrives to review your balance, fees, and investment options – it’s your future income after all. Our handy guide on how to review your super is here to help.
Small steps, big rewards
You don’t have to overhaul your life to achieve a financial reset. Just a few changes can help you save more, spend smarter, and feel confident about your finances. Let’s make 2025 your year to thrive.